Surface Water Management Plan Project Approved for Cranhill & Easterhouse Areas

Surface Water Management Plan Project Approved for Cranhill & Easterhouse Areas

Enabled by funding from the Glasgow City Region City Deal -, the Green Infrastructure Fund (led by Scottish Natural Heritage on behalf of the Scottish Government) as part of the wider Greater Easterhouse project - - and the Vacant & Derelict Land Fund.

This £7.4 million project will create and enhance existing greenspace through the implementation of surface water management ponds, channels and day-lighting of culverted burns, in three specific areas of Glasgow - Blairtummock, Cranhill and Ruchazie.

The surface water management features will reduce the risks and impacts of flooding both for the local area and downstream through the east end of Glasgow, which will benefit existing communities and help to facilitate regeneration.

The project started on site in late August 2018 and is expected to be completed by June 2019.

Cardowan SWMP image

Councillor Kenny McLean and Dr Mike Cantlay OBE, Chair of Scottish Natural Heritage, mark the start of work at Blairtummock Park

This project is the first of a number of surface water management plans being delivered by Glasgow City Council in the coming years, to reduce the risks and impacts of flooding.


(Summer 2018 Newsletter)

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