Hillington Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 - Construction Underway at Halfway Community Park

Hillington Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 - Construction Underway at Halfway Community Park

Construction of the first phase of the Hillington Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) commenced on site at Halfway Community Park, Moss Heights in March.

This phase of the SWMP project is being delivered by Southside Housing Association in partnership with the local community and Glasgow City Council, and is enabled by funding from a range of sources, including Southside Housing Association, Glasgow City Region City Deal - www.glasgowcityregion.co.uk and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Green Infrastructure Fund (led by Scottish Natural Heritage on behalf of the Scottish Government).

This £2.2 million project will enhance the natural environment by transforming a currently steep, bland, green open space, criss-crossed unnecessarily by old roads, into a rich, ecologically diverse landscape with an open canopy of native trees, nectar rich hedges, extensive wildflower meadow, herbaceous beds and community growing corners planted with a range of fruit and veg. All this will, in time, help to address climate change and promote native wildlife.

The project will also deliver a range of retrofit surface water management features such as swales, raingardens, basins and attenuation storage to reduce the risks and impacts of flooding both for the local area and downstream.

The project started on site in March 2019 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

SuDS basin at Moss Heights

Works underway to form SuDS basin at Moss Heights

For further information, visit the SNH website - https://www.greeninfrastructurescotland.scot/content/halfway-community-park

Detailed design of retrofit surface water management interventions is ongoing for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Hillington SWMP, proposing interventions at Queensland Gardens and Penilee Park respectively, with construction forecast to commence winter 2019/20.

City Deal logo - small  SNH GIF logo - small  ERDF logo - small


(March 2019)

For all enquiries, please email project.office@mgsdp.org