Updated Guidance on Climate Change Allowances Published

Updated Guidance on Climate Change Allowances Published

In March, SEPA published updated (V2) guidance on climate change allowances for flood risk assessment in land use planning.

The guidance allows planning authorities in Scotland to underpin their land use planning decisions with the best evidence available, and it will continue to be updated as the evidence on climate science evolves.

Recommended allowances are provided for peak river flow, peak rainfall intensity and sea level rise.

The information in the guidance is supported by a Technical Background Paper (in Appendix 2), which sets out the climate science and modelling assumptions that underpin the recommended allowances.

The updated guidance is available on the SEPA website, here -https://www.sepa.org.uk/environment/land/planning/guidance-and-advice-notes/

SEPA Climate Change Allowances guidance cover image

Updated SEPA guidance

The allowances are also available to view in mapped form here - https://scottishepa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2ddf84e295334f6b93bd0dbbb9ad7417

SEPA Climate Change Allowances guidance map view

Climate change allowances map view


(March 2022)

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